Futuristic Naturalism


Below is an article I wrote and submitted to  the Infidels secular web http://www.infidels.org/ I found them to be lacking in creativity and love, all they do is cut down and hate religion yet they show no desire to develop a long term plan for our species and life.  They are just as hateful manipulating and materialistic, hierarchical and selfish as any lower life form.  Their minds are like worm infested cesspools filled with jealously and greed similar to bull elks and alpha wolves of the animal kingdom as well as human kingdoms of the religions they despise.  There are no kingdoms in Futuristic Naturalism nor the homo sapiens declaration. 


     Like the individuals who make up the Infidels/Secular web organization; I too have found it hard to conform to the monotheistic hierarchical influence that dominates the minds of US citizens. I still remember the first time I realized at the age of 5, that when I died, I would be nothing forever. The anxiety and subsequent denial of the finality that death brings may be why humans can be so easily deceived into giving up their personal power and freedom of their minds to a myth. All through history, to this very day, the practitioners of religious and governmental influence over others, the deceivers, also Homo sapiens, tend to be the most narcissistic, deviant, greedy, power lusting, sociopaths among us.   The magnitude of religious, superstitious phenomena in our culture no doubt originates in a place so deep within our neurological makeup that it likely formed in pre-Homo sapiens brains. Despite evolution, this glitch in rational logical reasoning ability seems to affect a large portion of our population to this day. I believe this is due to unintentional genetic manipulation. Before human writings of any kind; the patriarchal dude god was certainly fashioned after deceased ancient alphas by followers who sought, through transference and association, to usurp the dead elder's power and wealth. These pied piper 'leaders' then manipulated, tortured and killed anybody that would not accept unquestionable rule and unnatural disproportion of wealth. Through this means critical independent creative thinking has been diminished by selectively breading it out of the population. As the art of writing came into our historical picture, it is no surprise that the alphas had influence over the recording endeavor. Why Judeo-Christian-Muslim monotheism has had such a war enticing, homicidal, suicidal self-destructive affect on humanity is readily evident to anyone who reads the not so holy, in no way divine or morally superior texts. Chalk up a point for the atheist minority.  Some free thinkers in the nature versus supernatural creator debate actually suggest that the defender of faith read their entire Bible instead of hand picking a few phrases that meet their needs; doing so will convert any agnostic leaning believer with minimal reasoning skill and human compassion into an atheist.  I'm still working out a dialog to insure the believer that by attacking a corrupt dysfunctional belief system, I am not attacking them personally.    


     I've explored Buddhism and found a philosophy that is religious even if it does not espouse a mythical omnipotent singular god. People devote their energies to and practice yoga and mediation, which could be considered ritual or methods of a healthy way of life on the individual level.  Buddhist teaching of the Four Noble Truths pertaining to suffering and eliminating suffering through detachment from physical need and desire promotes a humane humble populace. The shortfall is apparent; just as under theocratic social organization, a Buddhist interdependent, one with all, philosophical order; historically results in totalitarian, despot, dictatorial rulers just as well.   Hindu, Sikhs, Vedic texts, Jainism and Taoism are religious philosophies that I really don't know enough about, other than that from what I have studied, I have not found anything pertaining to real direction, goals and purposes on a planetary, humane species inclusive scale; that which I am in persuit of and seeking to be part of.  Set aside religious spiritual influences, since their independence from British rule, India has maintained and is the largest democratic nation on the planet. In spite of democracy, India still has a level of unnatural wealth disparity. 'Communist' China now reeks of capitalism with over a hundred billionaires and some of the poorest people on the planet receiving very little income from their labors. My point here is I don't see anything morally, philosophically or religiously developing out of Eastern thought that can over power individual infinite greed as the dominant philosophy of life on the planet.


     Prior to this writing submitted here with the Secular Web Infidels I tried to submit my writings to introduce my Futuristic Naturalism hypothesis in other humanist, atheist, skeptic and secular publications and have been rejected every time.  I thought since humanists, naturalists, secularists, skeptics and atheists don't believe in god, nor are they restrained by tenants written by unquestionable authorities; that my novel proposition would be published; at least so their leaders could lambaste it all to remain the alphas and in authority over the secular masses. I thought that the secular community would entertain a radical new philosophy of life that could not have been seriously theorized, in the not so distant past, because the hard science that backs up the hypothesis did not yet exist.   I was mistaken that they would entertain or allow someone to question or attack their position in any way.  Religious fundamentalists attack rationalist philosophers of life from the right by reducing them to godless, shallow, moralless, materialists. Who am I to expect them to take criticism from the left?   They certainly perceived an advance in their direction, a next step, someone who entertains a higher level of collective consciousness and conscience as a threat.  Now before I go on I would like to say that the secular movement helped me to feel free to think and develop my personal philosophical purpose of life to where it is today.  I also now say that the limitations the secular community places upon themselves is stifling and devoids themselves and their community of creative, imaginative thought and progress. They have reduced themselves to a form of scientific materialism that cannot overcome the delusional sadistic religious socio-hierarchy, which seems to be the mission bringing them (us) to organize in the first place.  All the hard science and rationale that secularism is based upon were once thought experiments originating in individual human brain or another. Is secularism just a reaction to religiosity with no direction or moral stamina of it's own?  Unless I am missing something; I see no idealist utopian plan for humanity emerging from secularism.    


     My hypothesis originated with a feeling, a desire, an emotional shortcoming that could not be solved or answered by anybody else but me. I sometimes wish I could find the all-telling book of wisdom to become a happy a follower.  Innovators always suffer rejection and ridicule when they test the establishment and the delay or lag, as sure as winter follows the shortest day, leaves them dead long before their work is recognized. Simply stated in one sentence, although a long one: I believe that our entire species, through a collective cooperative effort, can work together to achieve an eternal simultaneous connection to all time, space, matter and energy, to exist in such a mentally omnivorous, all encompassing state of connectivity, within the physical realm and come to inhabit any alternative dimension or parallel universe we discover beyond the material world. To become eternal and immortal as a species is a premise, an ideal and an untapped potential that gives me direction and purpose in life that is both loving and at least pseudoscientific; so until somebody comes up with a better name I call the hypothesis, the movement, Futuristic Naturalism.  In support of my hypothesis, I use Henri Poincare and the Theory of Relativity as well as Albert Einstein's yet to be solved unified field theory.  Advances have been made in quantum physics such as the discovery of many sub-atomic particles, the theory of entanglement and the reported discovery of particles or energy of some form traveling faster than the speed of light. Even if it is crude compared to simultaneous connection to the entire universe; our ever-advancing audio/visual recording capabilities bring the past closer to the present. I call the final theoretical product the DVD of life and believing in it sure beats the hell out of a final judgment day, or becoming extinct due to our species collective level of dysfunction, or even the sun engulfing the earth when it becomes a red giant.  When I was a young adult I used to say that no one can kill me because once I existed I will always exist in the time I occupied even after I die. So we are already eternally connected though the time that we already exit in. With visual spectrum telescopes and parabolic radio, radar microwave antennas we are seeing and sensing billions light year distances, which according to relativity means we are also seeing billions of years into the past.  Biologically we have discovered our genetic code or genome of our species and this will lead to the ability to extend our individual multi-cellular lives indefinitely. Fusion is real and if the US would have spent just half of the money spent on war, we would have controlled nuclear fusion power by now and we will.  Of course that could only take place once we shed ourselves of despotic pseudo-theocratic rule by the greediest power tripping sociopaths among us.  We need organization and order based on horizontal collective principles rather than vertical hierarchal alpha singular social architectural structure in order to succeed on a species level. So despite greed being the only thing infinite in human life, we are becoming or already have a greater connection to the past than we ever were capable of before. Now what about the future?


    Science predicts, through relativity and near light travel theory; that if it were possible for an individual to travel at near light speed, when they returned, everyone they left behind would age more than the travelers would.  While crude and with unpredictable accuracy when compared to what we may be capable if we continue to progress and evolve, we can use science and statistics to predict the future. From archeological rediscovery of the past we know that the Earth, while a violent stormy place at times, has supported hominids for over a million years and earlier forms of life for hundreds of millions of years.  If we change our current direction away from self destruction on a species scale we are pretty much guaranteed a million year plus future to work out an eternal connection.  I may be acting on a hunch, an emotion, a feeling, desire or love for my immediate family and friends as well as my beloved entire Homo sapiens family; yet I will not be denied the scientific basis of the Futuristic Naturalism hypothesis of eternal connection.  The more I think, write and express it the greater the feeling of infinite connectivity becomes. Okay, for now Futuristic Naturalism may be another myth and saying that I feel a flash back from the future is far fetched; so subtle that no scientific mechanism can detect it, no staunch secularist will accept it. What if there is a vibration within the physical universe that connects all time space and matter? Then all we have to do is sense it. Maybe it is a reflection from a distant shinny mirror like orb or an echo that exists everywhere even in the future?  This theory gives me purpose and meaning in life greater than fulfilling my own individual human needs and desires or bowing to others so they can fulfill theirs.  I have written many words on this subject and it seems so foreign to established human thought that I find this feeling, this love I have for humanity hard to describe. For the present I call this philosophy of life, Futuristic Naturalism because we have work to do in order to establish the utopian connection described within.   This is the best I can do right now at a length I hope is palatable to the minds of an infidel or two at this time.  I know with all my feeling and rational logical abilities that such a philosophy of life as I am trying to relate here is necessary to our continued survival and will aid in our ability to achieve our true potential as immortal eternally connected beings.  This philosophy is not stagnant, depending on ancient glimmers of hope bastardized by tyrannical despots throughout the ages. This philosophy of life is a gift I give my mind.  The very survival of my human family is at stake, being attacked by individuals who view all humans, living creatures and Earth itself as their property. My purpose in life is to do my best to help insure the immediate well-being and long-term existence of our species so we may learn and evolve to live up to our true potential as beings with eternal connection.  If I do my work I will know before my life ends that my work will have helped this cause and it will come that we humans will unite to compete on a higher level than between ourselves.  In closing, while I am but one person, I feel we have come to a point where a higher level of consciousness and awareness has come about. We can ponder and understand the wholeness and collectivity of our species and all life on this planet. We are more than mold in a Petri dish or fruit flies in an Earth size jar. If we are to survive and reach our true potential the hypothesis and philosophy I now call Futuristic Naturalism will become part of a dominant psychological moral force of understanding and love for life itself.      


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