My job is to help bring about the new era of humanity. I have to lay out the philosophy that is becoming the next level of human consciousness. Self awareness on a species scale. It is like a de facto thing, I have come to realize that no body else will do it. Either they don't have the capacity and resources to bring about the revolution or they are too comfortable with things the way they are. Also there is nothing to gain during the life of anybody who would succeed at this mission because everyone is vested in the orthodoxy, their material wealth and stance in society depends on defending the established theories.

We are only civilized when they are on top, when they are in control of the monetary system, when they own everything. When they are as the royalty only worse because they hide and are more anonymous, accepting no responsibility for the outcome of their folly. What they insist is civilization is as far from it as can be. The way the ruling class treats the other classes of people and the biosphere is any thing but civil.

The behind the scenes reign of those who control the monetary system and therefore profit from every trade and every work is about to end. This has been the world government for hundreds if not thousands of years. It will be replaced by one person one vote world wide democracy.

Lay out the foundation, of the philosophy, the science and the spirit of the new era. A new level of awareness and understanding of what we really are as individuals and as a whole of humanity, our human family.

This is not godless because the history and culture of much of humanity has been organized around a god centered. In modern times this god is the Judeo-Christeo-Islamic god, which is a male omnipotent patriarch. How did this world view become so dominant?

The Bible Moses confiscated the peoples gold and thus controlled the trade among the people.

Jewish civilized English civilized?

Judeo-Christeo-Islamic religions don't believe in hundreds and even thousands of gods humans have believed in over the aeons, all as an atheists does is add one more to the list of the disproven.

You are already etched into time for eternity. From a perspective of a future more advanced biological life form, it is reasonable to believe that time is not as absolutely linear as it appears. Independently of any religious thought or philosophical contemplation we are permanently recorded into the DVD of life. This is our time, the only time we will be ourselves is while we are alive. Yet together with this eternal disk property of time there is probability. In the present and current direction of our species in the biosphere, our self inflicted extinction or in the least a catastrophic depletion of resources resulting in famine, carnage suffering on limitless unimaginable scale is totally predictable as a consequence of our actions. All totally avoidable.

The ability of an anthropomorphic God to exist in human society is the result of psychosocial traits readily viewable in a wide variety of mammal species as well as insect and even plant life. Inter'' and intra' species competition favors groups being able to act cohesively to achieve shared collective goals, like bringing down pray in carnivores also territory to access and control of food resources in herbivores omnivores and scavengers to. What I'm intending to express here is beside life long training to be submissive to the dominant culture, I believe there is also something that can only be explained on the genetic level going on here.

In the new era beliefs, collective goals and actions will be based on the well thought, self regulated, will of the majority. Continue to make information available to the general public so they can educate themselves.

Short term goals for humanity are to stabilize our population through mostly educational and voluntary means on a world wide level. Allow every person to achieve an minimum standard of living through fair exchange of physical and mental work. Society will provide assistance to achieve this minimum standard regardless of mental or physical lack of ability to be competitive to everyone.

We will progress in our abilities and knowledge collectively as a life form to the point where we can transcend the limits of the physical realm. This vision cannot be achieved through submission or loyalty to any person who would seek to be your lord or master. The alpha, the master, is the declaration, the manifesto, the constitution, the will and drive to survive and work to achieve our ultimate potential. No person nor a family or any ideology whether religious or strictly materialistic should overshadow our ultimate goal of a real scientifically provable witnessed verifiable, beyond the physical realm eternal connection.

Our leaders world wide will be of the international peoples movement. Instead of being secretaries of the current establishment they will be secretaries of the majority.

Gravity has been found to warp time. Black holes light speed travel of matter have been found to exist. We can see distant stars and galaxies and that view certainly comes from light years ago when we see them.

Goal orientated rather than god orientated . Do you real want to spend eternity pleasing somebody else you are on the level of a pawn or slave to? Somebody who played you like a chess piece and withheld is love from you in some sort of card deal with the devil?


New Era of human collective  consiousness                       

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