Declaration of Interdependence (revised*)  The actions and mandates of and to appease the wealthy, to be part of those few, many people in positions to serve the public in our government, have now become a threat to the livelihood quality of life and very lives of the many. Instead of acting in the best interest of our nation, our leaders have succumbed to the interests of their blind headless monster of greed. They have become homicidal and even suicidal letting their greed and lust for power overrule their survival instincts. I do not express these things lightly nor place blame on any particular individual person or government sanctioned crime against the whole of our nation, yet when you add their derelict unconstitutional actions together it amounts to no less than war against us.   We must restore the constitution as the basis of all law.  It is our right and our duty to nation, all humanity and all life to act, to remove the despotic sociopaths from government offices and places of power and wealth. Yes, people who organize and contribute more goods and services to the people of these United States will continue to be wealthier than those who contribute less, but those who use and abuse the system and the good people of this land are soon to be purged from their treasonous hideous affluent places of ill gotten wealth at the expense of the good. There are currently articles and amendments within the constitution to allow the majority to restrain such individuals, and collaborations of wickedly deceitful groups from their inhuman treasonous acts if the leaders would adhere strictly to it.  Since the current constitution has failed us, there are tools within the US constitution to allow it to be revised by adding or repealing amendments; there are no provisions within it to allow parties to flaunt it, and outright make it void for their own economic gain and wanton lust for power. The US Constitution specifically prohibits foreign titles of nobility to influence the working of our government and nation and forbids the US government from granting such titles. Therefore at this time as a member of the DPD party I declare a majority of elected/selected officials to be guilty of treason against the US constitution and people of this Nation. A list of specific grievances is supplied below with further description of the grievances and suggested remedies to be constantly updated and amended within the text of this Participatory Democracy Platform document.   
The only way to end elite corporate rule is to educate and empower all people regardless of  economic class ethnicity or any other arbitrary method of maintaining the immoral unconstitutional rule by the few over the many. We shall by the Freedom of Information Act, by using unbiased sources of information supply ourselves with the facts necessary to become well informed responsible citizens able to control our own destiny as the majority of citizens of our nation.


 List of grievances as in the Declaration of Independence: 


*Weapons sales: is genocide and the perpetrators have always escape justice. The US weapon manufacturing corporations sell more weapons to dictators and third world unstable tyrannical governments than any other nation on the planet.   


*war profiteering: Once they build up a tyrant and declare them an enemy to war with, military industrial armament suppliers gouge the taxpayers with CEO salaries hundreds and thousands of times what a working person's entire life's work is worth.  The US soldiers have repeatedly fought against foreign armies supplied with weapons sold them by US corporations that profit from the genocide that war is. 


*Those corporate executives outsourcing labor to foreign countries are traitors not traders. To produce goods in nations that artificially derate their currency and subject workers to condidions of slavery to maximize their profit margin of those goods sold in the US is not acceptable. 

*Enough nuclear weapons pointed at the planet to kill every man woman and child 4 times over is totally unacceptable, it is insanity.   


*Extra-constitutional laws: The "People's House" legislating and the Judicial Branch deciding corporate personhood is not acceptable. 


*The Federal Reserve. an unconstitutional private banking system, in total control of our nation's monetary system enslaves "We the People" and makes those who represent us into the banker's lap dogs. The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional monopoly of our monetary system.  


*economic ciaos: allowing commodities trading to artificially raise the price of resources necessary for human life has risen risen from fair open market supply and demand capitalism to become economic genocide against the people.


*environmental genocide: allowing corporations to pollute the nation and planet for profit of the few causing the premature death of a significant percentage of the human population by spreading know toxins and carcinogens throughout the air land and water is a crime against humanity and nation.


*irresponsible population growth: belief that we need infinite growth, more babies, more houses, more cars more roads to have an economy the moneyed class can more readily profit from will no longer be tolerated.


*Corruption: buying of elected officials to legislate the will of the infinitely greedy is treasonous to the Constitution and a crime against the will of the majority of US Citizens.   


*Corporatize food production for maximum profits including the release of genetically modified organisms into the biosphere is a crime against nature and humanity.


*To make the educational system a private club for the wealthy and allowing private college CEOs to make 40 million dollar a year salaries mostly from government grants and loans does not meet the moral standards of a valid Constitutional Republic  


    DPD Party Platform   


The implementation of Direct Participatory Democracy is the foremost and all encompassing goal of a collective of independent sovereign individuals that unite for their common good.  Democracy in theory is a system to install and exercise majority populist rule. To encourage the wellbeing of a society as a whole, the majority agrees to restraints upon itself to protect the minority from abuse. In modern civil societies the consideration and respect for minorities or opposition is addressed by a Constitution, which all laws and interpretations of laws are to be based upon.


We will use technology readily available to allow every person interested in voting on any and every piece of legislation that is before the US congress.   


Federal Reserve is an Unconstitutional Criminal Coup: (problem) The fed is unconstitutional. If this unconstitutionality was in the best interest of the majority it could certainly be forgiven and the Constitution amended.  The notion that private bankers should control and profit from a monopoly over a nation's monetary system makes our government officials subservient to the interests of the bankers and the people slaves. These self enamored people and their publicists attack every attempt to establish social equality measures claiming such to be Marxist communist forms of socialism without admission to the fact that capitalism itself is a social arrangement therefore a form of socialism.  a sadistic hateful racist one that encourages war and puts pathological narcissists at the top. Conspiracy to Defraud the United States 18 U.S.C. § 371

(Solution) Separate the Federal Reserve from the Federal Government. The US constitution demands this and by the 14th Amendment Section 4, we owe these bankers and investing in their Satan-like system nothing. We will develop a two tier/master, public/private banking system. The only reason not to jail the bankers is in the interest of a sense of stability and maintaining a private sector along side a healthy public sector.  The value of public money is in the goods and services that the government deems necessary, the value will be further supplemented by taxes and the wealth of the collective which a nation is.  There is no reason for a nation to have to submit to the false authority of a private bank to accomplish the goals of security well-being and evolving as a collective.  A modern society cannot maintain a healthy nurturing environment without a fait money system based on any commodity, therefore fait money comes into play. Design a monetary economic system based on fair exchange of goods and services is a primary necessity of a free and independent people.   


Fair compensation for private contractors of public services. (Problem) government contractor CEOs are awarded 10s and 100s of millions of dollars each year. This military industrial complex syndrome is every bit as ugly as Fascism and Nazism and in fact  persons and families behind the current war machine supported and profited from those totalitarian genocidal ideologies.  They are using some of their immoral murderous booty to buy our government and insure endless war.  (Solution) We need to establish meaningful government service/contractors pay and benefit limits.  Any individual who supplies goods and services to the USG will have limits placed on their salary and benefits. Let say that limit is 20 times the national minimum wage. A provision like this can be temporary.  


National health-care: (problem) CEOs and investors who do no work to help anybody have hijacked our health-care system and made it into a sickness and death for profit holocaust industry. (solution) Implement a national universal health care program.   Eliminate health insurance scam of enslavement of America's working people. Cap care provider corporate profits and CEO compensation.   Small increases Medicare and medicaid tax rates and a 1 cent sales tax to pay for health-care for all. Limit board and officer salaries of private health-care provider corporations. Limit investment return of pharmaceutical corporations.


Investigate 9/11 and war profiteering, give all except the top echelon of decision makers a chance to turn evidence for reduced sentence. A motive for destroying the WTC and attacking the Pentagon has become as obvious as the persons who have profited from the crime. There is enough evidence to determine that building #7 of the WTC was brought down by explosives and connecting the crime to those with motives can and must be accomplished if the United States is to continue to or once again exist as a Constitutional Republic.


Economic Renaissance Take the same amount of money the bankers gave to themselves and give it to each individual to invest in the industries that were outsourced. They said the unions would bankrupt their companies but they certainly had enough money to afford to move their equipment over seas and set up shop there, economic treason and war.  Allow private collectives of workers to buy the capital tools and real estate to replace the jobs lost to individuals and corporations who are guilty of economic treason.

If you spend the money you get taxed at the maximum tax rate. If you invest the money you don't get taxed on that money until you withdraw it.  


Declaration of Supersedence. The writers of the US Declaration of Independence and Constitution owned slaves and wrote that the Indians or Native Americans are "merciless savages"; so the wording, "All Men are Created Equal", does not even include all men let alone women so the Declaration and Constitution were invalidated and rights only available to the elite from the very beginning.  Therefore we declare that a Constitutional  Convention that even with the mistakes and dated theory, the writers and signers were thoughtful enough  include articles to amend the constitution. It is time we take what is good in it and reinvigorate, Re-establish the constitution as the basis of the law of the land. those articles and add or delete want does not worked.   As good and as important a constitution is to a civilized society, it is full of redundancies and written with words that are no longer commonly used.  Elected official have legislated the constitution void. That is a crime requiring their voluntary resignation or forced removal from office. Once we have had an election to purge the criminals, than 1 year after that we will begin writing a new or revised constitution while the last one is still or has been once again made valid and in effect. 


Mining in the 7th district. New mining efforts by international corporations in the 7th  district of Wisconsin should be determined to proceed or be stopped by majority popular referendum of voters inside the district. Any mining should be subject to environmental, worker safety and economic regulations with the concerns of the health wellbeing and prosperity of the community as a whole rather than a small group of investors and CEOs.


Immigration the wealth disparity in Mexico is more lopsided with a greater concentration of wealth among the few than there is in the United States. The people who determine the world economic policy love dictators and hate common people because they treat them as chattel which is a word meaning property and enslavement. Wealth originates translates to and is material goods and services.  With the help of elitist mentality of persons who are elected and selected to high offices in government wealth is concentrated and redistributed from it's origin to the few sociopaths who practice infinite greed.  Dethrone the inhumane spawn in this nation will help the people of Mexico do the same so they can return to their homelands and make and honest living. The immigration problem can be solved in one congressional term, two years.  


Education is now a system of redistribution of wealth to infinitely greedy, some private college CEOs make as much as $40 million a year from public grants and loans to students to enslave them rather than help them make meaniful contributions to nation and planet. Again executive excess must be restrained by the will of the majority of the people. Money will still change hands and people who share their knowledge will be compensated with less overhead. We can extend public education to a life long experience by opneming up public high schools in the evenings for adult access. Educating people is a public service, not a money pit for those who desire an education nore a cash cow for those who manipulate and own the system rather than provide a worthy service to humanity. 


Abortionthis is one part of reproductive rights and responsibilities. Liberals are to blame for letting the abortion issue become the sole issue in this debate. Abortion on demand, birth control on demand, population and birth control education as a requirement of public education. If a so called "pro life" person does not desire a sexual relationship they are welcome to abstain. Although the population of the nation and planet is beginning to result in a scarcity of natural resources, if the so called conservatives want to raise every child they have as a result of believing that god conceived the fetus rather than two humans having sexual relations we can accommodate then so long as they relinquish their desire to control the lives of other woman who do not share the morals and personl level of responsibility that they claim to. Every sperm is not sacred, this is just something from a Monty Python movie.  


Global Warming Again because liberals are not liberal in any meaning of the word, they allow the devastating homicidal suicidal exponentially growing impact humanity has on this planet be summed up with one issue, global warming. Population growth is by far the number one factor that causes unnatural extinction of many species, devastation of the natural world on a global scale. Any and every human that is the least bit humane will agree to scale back population growth by voluntarily limiting their families to one child per couple. Yes it is little doubt that the current rise in carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is caused by human burning of fossil fuels. We must develop a well rounded diverse plan to lesson homo sapiens impact on the biosphere of the planet.


Drug War is a war against the people of this Nation and the whole planet. Natural plants such as cannabis, opium poppies, coca and more cannot be made against the law to use in a nation with a valid constitution. Intravenous injection of refined herbs and manufactured drugs for what is termed recreational use I think could be outlawed or regulated with detention. Sale is commerce and the government certainly has an interest in that aspect of regulation. There are drunk/drugged driving laws and laws forbidding the operation of dangerous equipment while under the influence of any intoxicant or impairing drug. We can have the freedom and right to the control of our minds and bodies and also protect the whole of society, without a police state. 


Any spending bill or law that is to be enacted that costs the people more than a dollar a piece or 310 million dollars must be voted on separately and not attached to another bill to sway voting.


The wars and the outright giving money to banks and their lust for war profiteering has been a hundred year crime no less than genocide. So to make up for that we will offer each citizen their share of 16.1 trillion dollars. there will be restrictions on how it is spent ie for education or capital goods being machinery and factory buildings so workers can replace the jobs lost and own the factories. I know this needs more writing but something has to and will be done to replace what has been stolen from the workers.


A department of peace where we will make every effort to communicate and come to nonviolent agreement between the United States People and the people's of all nations. Would it not be more honorable to die for peace than to die killing people who are just as stuck in a brutal sadistic game of power and wealth of the select few as ourselves? The only reason leaders are eager to jump for war is their profit and the profit of the few they make on the backs of the many. We will unite and lesson the probability and profit of war.  


A brief History of war and banking:


(in ken driessen's personal beliefs and history)


*there was a declaration of interdependence written by



The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act was specifically designed for groups of people who jointly engage in unlawful activity, such as threats of murder, kidnapping, arson, extortion and other major crimes. For those willing to confess to their acts or turn in others, the clock starts ticking for the statute of limitations on the day they make the confession and separate themselves from their conspirators.


Acts of Conspiracy

Conspiracy is a continuing offense, meaning there is no time limit in which to gather information, indict and convict a person guilty of such acts. Under due process of law, however, a government cannot hold onto a person's case indefinitely. An alleged criminal has to have his day in court (the "right to a speedy trial" as stipulated in the Constitution) to either be convicted or exonerated of the charges for which he is being held, detained or kept under legal surveillance.


Federal Conspiracy Laws

Conspiracy cases are generally when two or more people agree to commit a crime in concert (together). Some states allow certain protections to keep people who were considering breaking the law from being convicted. Thinking about a crime and active intent are not the same thing. A crime does not need to be committed to consider the law broken, only true intent [by actions or activity] to break the law must be proven.


Read more: Statute of Limitations for Criminal Conspiracy in the U.S. |


Title 18 USC 249 hate crime, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 under color of the law

Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 Pattern and Practice, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 245

Federally Protected Activities, voting, education, financial assistance, 42 U.S.C. § 1983


Diverse Tactics. The declaration and the problems and solutions of the issues express the undeniable inescapable truth that the majority of elected selected officials have made the constitution void and are aligned with an extra-governmental organization that favors a corporate class that is making war against the majority of the people of the United States of America.


We have petitioned, we have litigated, we have peacefully protested and we have voted. None of these actions and measures take to retain and retake our rights have made any difference. We will continue and increase each of these activities that are well within our rights. Deck of war profiteering bankster cards.   We will set dates, such as a date, which the Supreme Court members who have decided corporate personhood to step down. We will set a date where all but the top tier of decision makers will receive full amnesty for whistle blowing and turning states evidence to the court of public opinion. We will allow some legislators to step down by a certain date to receive consideration, lesson sentence and retain some of their benefits if done by a certain date. We will next organize maids, delivery workers, laundry workers, gas station attendants so that your dirty booty cannot be spent anywhere.   We may detain individuals in a peoples detention in undisclosed locations who are accused by a grand jury of our piers and when law and order of a civil constitutional republic is restored we will turn the perpetrators over to the (new) government when it is recognized by the majority as a legitimate government. We were sabotaged, we were attacked, economic, mental and physical war has been made on us. Most people to not want any violence and those people who are with this movement cannot be held accountable for those that choose to use more violent tactics in response to the violent tactics that have been used against them. We will do our best to bring the treasonous conspirators to justice alive and treat them as the Geneva Convention requires; that is until they are proven to have acted .

We do not believe in the death penalty. We believe death is too easy for persons who have carried out genocide and a holocaustic scale. 


National Strike demanding end to Federal Reserve and war profiteering. 3 million occupation of Washington DC well before the election May Day, demand all war profiteers and backers of the corporatocracy to step down.

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